Sunday, January 09, 2011

January 9 to January 15

If life hands you lemons...


Unknown said...

then squeeze them to buggery...

Amy said...

Be grateful they weren't thrown.

led display said...

very happy to visit here!

literal said...

Your lemon farmer's named "Life"

Miss Sadie said...

You can make some lemonade.

Ask for tequila and salt.

Start your own lemon orchard.

(Now you have three options.)

Gabriel said...

...determine whether they are metaphorical.

happydude said...

why not suck a lemon?

Inspector Clouseau said...

Nice work. I came across your blog while “blog surfing” using the Next Blog button on the blue Nav Bar located at the top of my site. I frequently just travel around looking for other blogs which exist on the Internet, and the various, creative ways in which people express themselves. Thanks for sharing.