The game's name is short.
It's not even Five Words™ .
Yet, Five Words™ it is!
Some wonder, "What's it about?"
Your goal is quite simple.
Express yourself in Five Words™.
Don't use more, or less.
So, give it a try.
Five Words™ can express it.
Five Words™ and you're done.
I can correctly pronounce "nuclear"
I promise to do nothing.
I prefer working part time.
I'd hire really good underlings.
Set nation on Central Time!
Establish corporal punishment for jaywalkers.
Reinstitute public shamings like stocks.
My favorite breakfast food: waffles.
My favorite cold-blooded reptile: snakes.
My favorite baseball team: Dodgers.
My favorite movie: Liar Liar.
Obviously, I'm the perfect candidate.
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