Sunday, January 30, 2005

January 30 to February 6
If a time machine existed...

Winner for the past week
I must go with Amy's.

I lost my polar bear.

I do remember Slobo's, though.

The whole State was closed.

I'm hoping for another one...

Sunday, January 23, 2005

January 23rd to the 29th

It's snowed too much when...

Winner for the past week

I will go with Slobo's:

We'll recognize "White History Month".

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Topic Jan. 16 to 22
Insert your personal dream here...

"I have a dream that..."

Winner for the past week

Walt will take the win: old Dick Clark is.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Topic Jan. 9 to 15

"In 2005 we will discover..."

Winner for the past week

Obviously, Slobo takes the prize...

Frontal lobotomies and colonoscopic examinations.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Topic for Jan. 2 to 8

This year, I could do without...

Winner for the Past Week

Susan will claim this round.

Because I am the cutest.

Although, Slobo's has worked once;

Susan's should work almost always...