Sunday, April 25, 2004

Topic April 25 to May 1
The disadvantages to growing older.

Winner for the past week
I'll go with Walt's entry:

You get to enjoy "Matlock."

I've been old for awhile...

I've enjoyed Matlock for decades.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Topic: April 18 to 24

The advantages to growing older.

Winner for the past week

I guess we all lost.

I'll make an entry, though:

George W. Bush for "Teflon."

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Topic: April 11 to 17

Potential new spokespersons for products.

See the "Panelist Predictions" here.

This past week's winner is...

Amy wins for any entry.

Sorry I got your promotion.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Topic April 4 ro 10

"In poor taste" Hallmark cards.

Winner for the Past Week

Many of us do this:

Live life an hour behind!

So, Walt wins this round....