Sunday, December 26, 2004

Dec. 26 to Jan 2
"Why should we hire you?"

Winner for the past week
No annual fee! Low interest!

Walt wins yet another round...

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Topic Dec. 19 to 25
Horrible Christmas/Holiday card sentiments.

Winner for the Past week
I'd win, but that's rude.

Those big inflated lawn ornaments!

They sure do kill Christmas.

So, Walt wins another round.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Topic, December 12th to 18th
Worst "true meaning of Christmas."


Worst "Spirit of Christmas" interpretations.

Winner for the past wee
Josh's was true and intriguing.

But it doesn't beat Walt's...

Last year's fruitcake - half off!

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Topic Dec 5 to 11
New and awful Chirstmas Christmas "Holiday Specials."

Winner fo the Past Week
I am partial to Amy's.

Christmas treats induce bizarre dream.