Sunday, August 31, 2003

Topic for August 31 to September 6

Your best doctor's office visit.

Winner for August 24th to 30th

Dave's our winner this round.

Raft washes into lost world...

It's likely already been done.

And Dave would know that.

There's probably a dedicated webpage....

Sunday, August 24, 2003

Topic for August 24th to August 30th

Pitch a new TV show.

Winner for Aug. 17 - 23

I do often award newbies.

I must, though, award originality.

Amy, you win once again!

Brainwash all bloggers into submission.

It is seemingly quite easy!

Sunday, August 17, 2003

The topic for August 17th to 23rd...

What's your "world domination" plan?

Winner for August 9 - 16...

Was this one too hard?

Or doesn't anyone cook anymore?

Oh well then; Amy wins.

Dry and underdone, but edible.

As for the "helping mother...."

Mom was just discussing that!

(We had pierogies on Wednesday.)

Saturday, August 09, 2003

Challenge for August 9th to 16th...

Summarize your first cooking experience.

Winner for Aug. 2 - 8

I'll have to say Amy...

Prodigy falls for adolescent queen.

Saturday, August 02, 2003

Challenge for August 2nd to 8th...

Summarize "Star Wars, Episode One."

Temporary Comment Fix in Place...
This will loose old comments.

But, game play will continue.

I feel bad for losses.

The last round was awesome.

I think "Tim"'s did win.

I'm not sure; play again!
Ummmm... no comments

It seem I owe money.

I will fix the comments.

Until then, new guy won.

I don't remember the submission.

But: it may have been:

The golf's great up here.

Check back in short order.

It may be up today.

If not, try next Saturday...

I apolgize for the delay.

I guess, nothing is free.

EVEN if advertised as such!